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Infertility has emerged as a common challenge that many couples today have been facing. Childbearing is one of the major events in a couple’s life which is why the diagnosis of infertility is often very overwhelming for patients. For the newly diagnosed, it can be intimidating to comprehend such extensive information. At Phoenix Fertility Clinics, we have the best IVF centre in Delhi, Greater Kailash and India, a friendly and personal one-stop fertility service staffed by the best IVF doctors in Delhi and the best infertility specialists in Greater Kailash and India. We fully understand how important this journey is and we want to be there for you every step of the way. That is why we have an expert team standing by to give you all the support you need and to help you understand and choose the treatment that is best for you.

IUI: Intrauterine insemination

What is it?

It is the placement of motile concentrated sperms into the uterus after processing with media, around the time of ovulation of the wife. We offer a variety of sperm preparation methods which can be done in the wife’s natural or stimulated cycle.

  • Male subfertility
  • Difficulty in vaginal intercourse
  • If the couple wishes for Donor sperm

IVF: In Vitro Fertilisation

What is it?

In IVF, fertilization of wife’s eggs and husband’s sperm is done outside the body, in the laboratory. The woman is given medications to stimulate the ovary to produce about 8-10 eggs. These are retrieved transvaginally by an ultrasound-guided procedure under anaesthesia. Husband’s semen is processed and good motile sperms are incubated alongside the eggs in an incubator. The resulting embryos are transferred in the cleavage stage (Day3) or blastocyst stage (Day 5) depending on the numbers and grading of the embryos. Extra embryos are preserved by freezing (vitrification).

Who is it for?

  • Women with damage to, or without, Fallopian Tubes.
  • Women with endometriosis.
  • Ovulatory and immunological disorders.
  • Unexplained infertility
  • Multiple IUI failures

Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

What is it?

ICSI is a process where a single sperm is injected directly into the egg under high magnification using a micromanipulator machine. The main objective of ICSI is to improve the chances of fertilisation. The earlier part of treatment involving ovarian stimulation and egg retrieval are the same as in IVF.

Who is it for?

  • It is the classic treatment for Male fertility issues like low sperm count, surgically obtained sperm(TESA, PESA) and abnormal sperms
  • Previous fertilisation failures with IVF.
  • Elderly patients and those with the female having low egg reserve.
  • Fertilisation of previously vitrified (frozen)oocytes

Cryopreservation/vitrification: Oocyte, Sperms, Embryos

What is it?

Vitrification is a process of preservation of oocytes (egg) or embryos by treating them with cryoprotectants and submerging them in liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -196°C. The advantage of this procedure is that no ice crystals are allowed to form, which can damage the oocytes /embryos and instead a glass-like bead is formed with no disturbance in cell structure.

Vitrification has a very high survival rate of cells and delivers excellent clinical results.

What benefits does it offer?

  • Becoming a mother after receiving cancer therapy. The vitrification of oocytes is today the most viable option for the preservation of fertility in women who require chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatments.
  • Postponing motherhood: it allows a women’s reproductive capacity to be postponed for as long as she wants, with the same possibilities as at the point when the oocytes are vitrified.
  • Creation of an Oocyte Bank. This reduces waiting lists for treatment with oocyte donation, guarantees immediate availability and offers the same gestation possibilities as with fresh oocyte donation.
  • Embryo freezing is carried out electively in IVF cases to improve cycle outcomes, also extra embryos post transfer can also be frozen for future use.
  • Semen freezing can be done when the husband is not available for sample on the day of the wife’s egg collection or as fertility preservation in cancer patients.

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